Our Projects


The GenZStayHome PSA

(Find more on this project at GenZStayHome.org)

Broadway Because’s first initiative, The GenZStayHome PSA Project (See the PSA here.) features young adults from all over the United States and beyond using their voices to empower their own to stay home in an effort to keep themselves, their friends, parents, grandparents, and all at-risk people healthy and out of reach of COVID-19.

The spot was co-produced and edited by our good friends at HMS Media, Inc. and has been viewed tens of thousands of times all over the world. The message is hopeful and empowering and shows how, in difficult and trying times, “we’re in this together.”


Broadway Because is excited and proud of its newest initiative, GenZGoVote, which is currently underway. After witnessing the life-saving influence that The GenZStayHome PSA Project had within the Gen Z community, we realized we were staring at a mighty resource. Gen Zers are going to change the world and we’re thrilled to be working with them again, this time to educate and empower one another to exercise their inalienable right as citizens of The United States to vote. GenZGoVote is a non-partisan call to action from one Gen Zer to another. Watch our first Teaser Ad here and stay tuned for more media drops including a new Gen Z PSA. You can find much more information at GenZGoVote.org.

Red Carpet Re-Do

Walking the red carpet and going to sparkly events is in the job description of being a Broadway, TV or movie star. A lot of times, once that look is photographed for the world to see, that dress or outfit then retires in said fancy-person’s closet. Broadway Because’s Red Carpet Re-Do, is cooking up an idea to find a second act for these special garments that have been on the backs of your favorite sparkly stars. Stay tuned…